Monday, January 20, 2014

Power Puff Girls Villians - Racist Characterization

I have been watching several different televisions shows recently and am very upset that I haven't found any to be offensive. Being apart of the Politically Correct USA, this is what I live for as you know. Since I couldn't find anything that offended me I've decided to look even harder and make racist accusations towards the lovable Power Puff Girls. Why, you may ask. Because they are cute and loveable and everyone adores that means they deserve it! There is no greater pleasure for a political correctness advocate, like myself, than pointing out the faults with someone or something that is loved by the public.

Let's start with Mojo Jojo. An Asian monkey speaking in the voice of an old Kung Fu movie, hell bent on world domination...RASICTS! How dare you portrait a character with ethnic traits. We should all be viewed as coming from the same background, never ever giving any indication that we are different from one another. That is of course unless you are black and have a stereotypical big weiner. That's not a racist characteristic but tread lightly when asking an African American if he'd like an Orange soda.

HIM - Not really sure what this thing is but judging by the name, it is male. Okay, so he speaks in a very high voice, wears thigh high heeled boots, long eye lashes, make-up and female clothing. I see nothing wrong with that. Him is who him is but this is offensive to the transgendered. Why does this freak have to be a villian??? Why not a teacher or thier mother/father...or both. OFFENSIVE!!!!!

The Ganggreen Gang - This is an obvious shot at the lepers. News flash...the last leper colony closed in Greece in 1957. They are accepted now and walk among us. I myself love lepers and even have a leper friend. The other day I helped him glue his ear back on after it fell off. What are you afraid of world...a little leprosy never hurt anyone!

Fuzzy Lumpkins - A back woods, stupid redneck, who talks with a country slur and plays a banjo. He is obviously caucasin so he deserves criticism...Good job Power Puffs!

Note: This was written just in fun and not meant to offend in any way. If you were, no apology will be coming from me. Just advice...Lighten up. If you tense up your butthole for too long you will never poop again.

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